Friday, June 26, 2015

The Proposal - June 20, 2015

I decided to bring back my Italy blog again!  Except this time, the purpose is to document Chris and I's proposal story (at least from my point of view).  EEEEK!  The day was so magical and dreamy and emotional, I never want to forget all the little details!  So I am putting down the story in writing. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world to be Chris's fiance and soon to be WIFEY.  AND to be loved by SO MANY who made this day so incredibly special!!

*Warning* This may be pretty extensive if you do choose to read it!  Like I said..I don't want to forget the little details!!

Where do I begin...
Let me first say, that when Chris and I started seriously talking about our "next steps" in our relationship - getting engaged, married, etc - we talked about a time range, so I knew about a 4/5 month span on when this day might come.  We had prayed about it, gone ring shopping earlier in the spring, got SUPER excited, and had many sweet conversations about what our future would hold. This part is hilarious to, I actually told Chris a while ago that I would probably figure out when it was happening (it = proposal).  As in, I would probably guess the weekend/day and totally see it coming because that is just how my brain works! (Well, normally! ha!)  I am usually* very aware of my surroundings and catch on to anything that would hint towards something suspicious (people coming in town, events going on a particular weekend, days I knew my family was free, little white lies that I pretend I didn't catch on to).  I was convinced I was going to figure it out!  And because of that, I warned him - "Don't worry if I end up figuring it out because the surprise is only a small part and what matters most is the actual celebration, romantic moment, and commitment itself!"  Boy was I WRONG!!  I was completely surprised!!  Chris just knows me so well, and with some help from our friends, he pulled off the perfect engagement!

That morning (Saturday, June 20th), I woke up a little early with intentions to drive to Sugar Land (where my childhood home is) on the way to Hannah's bridal shower in Richmond to watch my mom open up her 50th birthday gift that us kiddos and my dad ordered for her.  I was going to drive down to Sugar Land for a couple hours the day before to do this because I was just so excited for her to open up her gift!  But Friday, my sister Brittany had to tell me a little white lie to get me to not come down (because my grandparents Grammy and Pop were in town!)  So, she told me to just stop by in the morning before the shower.  Didn't think anything of I was like "okay!"  The plan to drop by Saturday morning before the shower also got "nixed" because my parents were "up late the night before" and thought we could just open up the gift on Father's Day.  No problem in my head!  I was cutting it a little close with time anyways (like ALWAYS), so it really gave me the morning to relax while getting ready for Hannah's shower.  I listened to music, put on my makeup, and remember just being in such a happy mood because I was so excited to celebrate Hannah and see so many girlfriends at Hannah's shower. I also didn't have anything to wear, so I went over to Shannon's closet and literally picked the first pretty, vibrant dress I saw!!  I think it was a good choice..having no idea what was to come!

Flash forward to Hannah's shower and I had the best time ever!  Kelli and all her high school friend's hosted and did an amazing job.  I know that everyone who was there was having the best time.  So many laughs and smiles.  I was soooo calm and happy.  If I would have had any little tiny inkling that the proposal was going to happen this day, I would have had this nervous knot in my tummy!!  You know that anxious feeling like you feel something is going to happen, and you are freaking out on the inside in anticipation? Yeah, nothing! Pure calmness.  

So a couple of days before the bridal shower, Hannah had reached out to me to ask if Shannon and I could do a favor for her and drop off her second deposit on her flowers for sweetnsulty's wedding.  The florist was in the Rice Village area, closed around 2, and Hannah wouldn't have made it on time after the shower because she wanted to help clean up and everything.  I was so excited to do this favor for her with Shannon.  It felt completely normal like something we would do any day for each other and I was all about it.  Hannah's mom handed me "the check" and told us thanks so much for doing this for them!  Yep didn't think anyyyyything of it!  So, Shannon and I are driving into town and I made sure to text Hannah to say let the florist know we are cutting it close.  Looking back on this car ride, I just remember it being a beautiful day and having so much fun with Shannon!  The shower had been so fun and we were actually talking about fun things like that we would get to do when Chris and I get engaged one day.  Funny note on this part of the story is that Shannon was both driving AND navigating...I don't know why I didn't think this was weird at all.  Usually I always help her navigate when she drives because it's hard for her to focus on both!!  So "Siri" chimes in on the radio to let us know we are exiting "Main St." off 59.  I made a comment to Shannon saying "that's weird...Rice Village isn't off Main?" (typical Diane with directions..) Shannon covered very quickly saying, "oh I'm just following the address that Hannah gave me..I'm sure they didn't know exactly where it was!"  Later I find out, this is when Shannon's heart started racing so fast and she started to panic that I would catch on!!  Nope..I was still completely calm and didn't think anything of it :)  We exit and drive into the Hermann Park area.  It was the most gorgeous, sunny day and the fountains were so beautiful as we pulled up.  We both looked around and said, "this is weird I see no buildings? Where would the florist be?"  Shannon kept driving and pulled into a parking lot.  

THIS IS WHERE IT GOT REAL. Cue the happy tears for me :'( I look over and I see Jake and Zack (Chris's best friends from A&M) standing on the side of the road, dressed all nice, and it seemed as if they were waiting for something..looking for this point I KNEW.  I was in denial for about 30 seconds looking over at Shannon, and she says "Hey, what are Jake and Zack doing here?" and I was like..."I don't know what are they doing here??????"  I began to freak body was in shock and I was already getting choked up.  I couldn't believe what was happening!!  I was totally caught off guard!!  They open up the door for me and I am frozen...I asked them again, "what are y'all doing here??" and they asked me the same question back..I told them I was here to drop off a check for Hannah (still in denial...couldn't believe this was happening!)  They laughed and said, "Diane don't cry because if you cry we will cry.."  My heart melted but was freaking out! (I keep saying freaking out but I don't think there's many other words that match how perfectly I was feeling...any girl who has been here can relate!)  They took out a blind fold and explained to me how they were going to lead me somewhere, and to just hold on to them as they walked me.  Heart racing, I was beginning to get light headed.  Was this all a dream??  I clenched to them so tight and told them to keep talking to me to make sure I was alive.  So many thoughts racing through my head..the day has come!!  I thought it was so special that both of them were leading me to this beautiful event because they have been so important in my life even before Chris and I started dating (FLiP!) and ESPECIALLY so important to Chris.  It was just the sweetest moment. We exchanged some funny convo on the way, but I can't quite remember everything because of the state I was in.  Luckily, Chris got Lauren to film this moment on a Go-Pro (sneakily! didn't see her with my blindfold) so I am excited to watch it together with Chris soon.  

Zack and Jake bring me to the final place (the gazebo) and sit me down in a chair.  They both tell me to take off the blindfold in about 20-30 seconds and give me big hugs goodbye.  I don't know what happened in the next 5 seconds, but I totally forgot they told me I needed to take off the blindfold and I sat there for about 2-3 minutes with it still on.  I went through many stages of emotions during this time.  I sat there for a little all choked up, then I began to pray.  I thanked God for leading Chris and I to this day and asked him to help me remember all these little details because I knew it would fly by.  At the perfect moment, I hear this little hushed voice from a bush say, "Take off the blindfold!"  I shouted back in a hushed voice, "Did I hear what I think I just heard?" haha! They replied, "yes!"    

I took off the blindfold and tears immediately flowed down my face.  It was like taking off the blindfold let it all loose!  I was just in complete bliss - and I am a very emotional girl :) I look to my left and I see the sweetest collection of items on the table next to me.  Chris explained to me in our car ride later what everything was and all the meaning behind it all because in the moment it was hard to clearly see through my tears.  There was a glass bottle with little wires sticking out and pictures of Chris and I's favorite memories hanging from them.  There was a large glass jar with all of these color coated strips inside.  On the outside Chris explained "How It Works" - every note inside was just another way to express how he loves me!  There was a note for everyday counting down to our wedding day.  Each note is color coordinated based on 5 themes: reasons why he loves me, things he is looking forward to, inspirational love quotes, bible verses, and promises to me. There was a bible verse highlighted in his open bible that also matched the bible verse painted on this stained wood piece of art he had built for me.  Props to Sarah for her gorgeous painting skills as well!  It read, "Let your light shine before others so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16.  This verse is very special to me because a couple of months ago Chris and I shared a conversation where we discussed what name God calls us by as his beloveds. I told him about how I hear the Father call me his "little light" and how being a light for him is just something so close to my heart!  When Chris explained this to me in the car ride I just was so incredibly touched!  And the most sweetest and most special part I will cherish forever came next...there was a laptop sitting there and a little sign in front with an arrow pointing saying "Play Me!"  I put in the headphones, press play and Chris comes on the screen welcoming me into this moment and letting me know how much he loves me and is excited for us!  He says that first there are a couple of people that want to let me know how much they love me and are thrilled for us too. I continue to watch and videos begin to play from my dad, my mom, my sister Brittany, my brother Michael, my grandparents, and all of Chris's family too!  Gosh, I was so taken back and just felt so loved and supported!  Chris comes back on the screen and says something along the lines of, "there are some more people that want to let you know how much they love you too, but if you are as excited as I am to make this step, then press pause and I will come to you!"  At this moment, Chris has come over and is standing behind me as I am shaking to press pause on the video.  He grabs my hands and I stand up and we embrace with tears flowing.  We look so closely into each other's eyes and we were just so in love and so nervous!  He was so adorable and began to give his speech to me I know that he has been practicing for so long.  It was a hot sunny day, so Chris is sweating big time for many reasons!  It is true when people say they forget what their man says in the moment because of so many emotions!! Chris is so smart and wrote down everything he wanted to say to me on a piece of paper which he gave to me in the car...something I will be able to keep forever!  He gets down on one knee and asks me if I will be his wife and marry him..and I SAY YES!!!!!!!!!!  I gave him the wrong hand at first to put the ring I nervous!  He grabbed my hand, put on the most gorgeous ring, and I just gave him the biggest hug and so many kisses.  It was real!!!!  We get to be together forever!!  Jesus is so good!!  We stand there for a little so close just celebrating this moment and how happy we are this day has come.  Praise God for all his wonders and his perfect timing!!

That little voice was Caitlin in the bush trying to hide while taking these amazing, in the moment pictures for us. :)  How can I ever repay you???  Thank you so much!!

First selfie as an engaged couple!!  Right when we got in car!  Hot day = Chris took off all his layers!!  SO HAPPY!!

After Caitlin, Lauren, Jake, and Zack all came over and gave us hugs, Chris said okay we gotta go!  We got to get you somewhere!  From this moment, Chris proceeded to take me to his car and drive me an hour and half away to Somerville, TX to his Aunt and Uncle's barn where a big surprise party was waiting for us two to celebrate.  Ahhhhh!  It was the most magical night being surrounded by family and close friends.  I had this blanket of pure joy surrounding me.  I was floating!! Chris and I are so grateful for all the love.  I can't say that enough!!!  So many wonderful family and friends traveling across the country to be there, months of planning and secret keeping, and so much love put into the party. Thank you to the Neely's for hosting at their barn, and thank you to my family and the Jordan family for all the decorations and planning!!!!  Big hugs and kisses for you all.
There are many pictures on my Facebook from the "WE DO BBQ"!!  Here are a few!

*Funny moments/things I didn't pick up on/behind the scenes stories that I can remember at the moment:
- Chris had to pay off a homeless guy $15 to leave who was "meditating" in the gazebo he planned to propose to me in (this is the most funny part of the story!)
- Chris asked my dad for my hand in marriage and his blessing about 3 months prior to the proposal on March 19th (totally had me convinced even as recent as last week that he hadn't even thought about that sneaky!!) (definitely my favorite part of the story)
- In the beginning of May, Chris and I met up with my family in College Station for Michael's final review for the Corps of Cadets, he dropped me off at Simpson Drill Field and "went to go park the car".  He took a suspiciously long time to come back, and the same happened when we were leaving to meet at Torchy's for lunch.  He volunteered to walk to the car because he parked so far away, he didn't want me walking in the rain.  It made sense, but I was like I don't care I don't mind!  He insisted again to let me go with my parents (shorter distance to their car) and he would meet us at Torchy's.  Found out later that this was the day he was going to get the ring at David Gardner's!
- Mom missing Bingo on Thursday because her "tummy was really not feeling well" AKA picking up Grammy and Pop at airport
- Mom/sister telling me white lies to not come to Sugar Land on Friday afternoon or stop by home in the morning before the shower (Grammy and Pop were there!)
- Jake making comments about my nails matching my outfit the Friday night before when we were going dancing at Rebel's on Washington
- One of my good friend's sisters telling me congrats on my engagement at Hannah's shower! I can't believe I didn't pick up on that one...

Here are my favorite pictures of the day - my handsome groom getting ready for the proposal.

I can't put into words how happy Chris and I are to be able to share to the world we get to spend forever together.  We give all glory to God!!!  Ready for this adventure with you fiance!!!!  Journey to the BEST DAY EVER!

Many hugs and kisses,
Diane (Diance - like fiance) or Future Mrs. Jordan!!!!!!
