Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boats, Ballet, and Dante's

Another week of wine and food pairing with Marco!  Yay!!!  On Monday, our theme was meat.  We cooked Lasagne al ragu alla Bolognese, Lombata di Vitello e patata al forno, and Frittelle di mele e Marmellata di Fragole (apple fritters) paired with different varieties of red Italian wines (Barbera, Lambrusco di Romagna, and Brachetto).  Another delicious day full of learning.  Afterwards, we went shopping in the leather market to find Shannon a leather jacket.  It was fun trying on all different styles and colors of jackets.  The man that helped us liked to call himself “Discount” because he gives all of his student friends good discounts.  Discount really loved this one leather jacket he liked to call the “Shakira” jacket and made us both keep trying it on several times.  It was humorous for us.  He really helped out Shannon find her favorite leather jacket!  Successful day in the leather market.  The leather market is extremely popular here in Florence.  Florence is known for all of its leather products including jackets, purses, wallets, belts, duffels, shoes, etc.  You have to get something leather in Florence; it is just a rule!  Later that night, the roomies and I went on a little boat ride, which traveled under the Ponte Vecchio and along the Fiume Arno.  We had the cutest little boat (kind of seemed like a large gondola) and the cutest little boater “directors” named Marco, Paulo, and Lucas.  Such classic Italian names!  They directed the boat by using these LONG wooden sticks that they used to push off of the bottom of the river.  The Lorenzo di Medici ladies that set up the event for us told us facts all about the river and its importance to Florence.  Christin, Shannon, Torri and I mainly just giggled and had our own little side conversation the whole time about the most random things in the world.  The boat ride was perfect timing to see the most beautiful sunset at the end.  When we got off the boat, we were all craving some good eatin’ and some free wine, so of course we head towards Dante’s.  We heard that Dante’s gives great student discounts including free wine!  All the roomies continued our bonding conversation and ended up being the last people at Dante’s without even noticing.  I love how time flies when you are surrounded by people you love!  It was time for gelato.  We stumbled upon this place that was magically still open just a couple doors down from Dante’s.  It was the most delicious gelato I had ever had.  I keep saying this, but this time I am forreal.  I got this blueberry cheesecake flavor and it was a masterpiece in my mouth!  A great start to the week.

On Tuesday, we slept in a little bit because we knew we had a day full of events in front of us.  Shannon and I began our day with a meeting from our LdM advisor, Ambra.  And let me tell you.  Ambra is the kindest, most enthusiastic, helpful, and genuine advisor.  She is the designated advisor for all of us API kids, and we were required to just have a short meeting with her to tell her how we were doing with the cultural change, how class was going, etc.  She definitely loves her job and is perfect at it.  It was a mystery on where we were going for class on Tuesday for me.  Usually, we read the syllabus to see what we are doing that day, but the only information I knew is that we were not going to be in the classroom that day.  We head past the Duomo and down an alleyway to a place called Alessi.  When I first walked in, I thought it was just a candy store because the room was filled with all sorts of chocolates and goodies.  That was until Marco explained that we are going underground to their wine cellar!  You would have never have guessed that this place sold wine if you just walked in for a few minutes.  He took us to a back room then down a staircase.  When I walked down, I saw hundreds, maybe thousands of wine bottles all arranged along the walls, tables, and centerpieces.  All organized according to the wine region in Italy (Veneto, Toscana, Lazio, Umbria, etc.)  I am always impressed everyday with how much Marco knows about wines and food.  He is so educated and animated about it all!  We had the chance to try two wines: a red Chianti wine and a white wine called Vernaccia di San Gimignano.  Marco made a few jokes about having too much wine and being too “happy” (in his Italian peppy voice) because we weren’t pairing it with any food today.  Haha.  Afterwards, we had an appointment with another gelato place that was a mystery.  This one he wouldn’t tell us because he wanted it to be a surprise.  So, we walk out of Alessi and right across the street is GROM, the notorious gelato shop known all over Italy for having the BEST gelato in Italy and maybe all over the world.  This is a HUGE compliment because there is seriously a gelato shop on every street corner in Italy, especially Florence.  Marco just walks across the street, then stops, turns around and puts his hands in the air blurting, “surprise!”  What a treat!  We got to go in the backroom and learn about Grom’s history, how Grom is going global now, and how Grom makes its infamous gelato.  We even got to have a free two-scoop gelato cone!  You could tell Marco was so excited to have been able to give us this opportunity.  It was so cute. 

After Marco set us free from “class”, I went back to our apartment and went for a run around town.  It’s unbelievable that I have been in Florence for almost two weeks now, and I still have so many places I haven’t been or seen!  So, going on runs helps me learn to navigate around the town and spot new places I would like to go.  I am glad that I have been able to fit in time to run because I feel so good after a sweaty, long run.  Tuesday night’s events included a ballet at the opera house provided by API.  It’s always fun to reconnect with all of our API friends because we are all over the place during the week.  The ballet was beautiful, but sort of dark (as in sinister/depressing) and interesting all at the same time.  It was a neat experience, and I am happy that API provided us that for free!  After the ballet, the roomies and I head to our new spot – Dante’s.  We decide that we want to become Dante regulars.  We made good friends with our waiter Matheus.  All I can say is that we hope to see him again very soon.

On Wednesday, the theme in class was FISHIES.  Our class made three dishes involving fish and one dessert.  My little group was assigned to the calamari and fried shrimp.  For those of you who do not know, calamari is fried squid.  And yes, we were literally given a pile of fresh shrimp and another pile of fresh squid.  It was our duty to tear them apart and cut them up properly in order to fry them.  I was brave and volunteered to take care of the squid at first.  The procedure to take apart a squid goes like this: you rip apart the body and head, reach inside the body to pull out its insides and this weird bone thing that looks like plastic, then you cut off its eyeballs which spew purple liquid (that’s why we wear an apron!), then you squeeze its head and out pops its "tooth" and it looks like it is giving birth to it.  Really weirdddddd.  I got lightheaded after about thirty seconds and had to switch over to the shrimp.  That was much better.  This probably wasn’t my favorite themed day taste wise, but it is always fun to learn something new!  After class, Shannon and I hiked/ran up to Piazzale Michelangelo.  Piazzale Michelangelo is a piazza located on top of this mammoth hill that overlooks the entire city of Florence.  I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t been here yet!  We had wanted to make this hike since we got to Florence and we were so happy we finally did.  Definitely the most breathtaking view of Florence ever!  At night, the roomies all hung out together while we studied a little for our Food and Wine Pairing Midterm.  This was a beautiful night of bonding between Christin and I.  I have truly found a genuine, new friend that I absolutely adore.  I am so happy that Christin goes to Texas A&M because I don’t know what I would do if we could not continue our friendship that has been growing the past few weeks.  Where have you been all my life Christin!?

Thursday, we woke up a little earlier than normal to refresh our memory on what we had studied a little the night before.  Shannon and I grabbed a Latte Macchiato topped with some chocolate at a little corner coffee place called News Café.  Sounds very American, but it’s not don’t you worry.  We sat there for about an hour just reviewing casually and laughing about what we were actually studying.  By the time we had to start walking towards LdM to take our midterm, we had successfully memorized several wine and food pairings, eight recipes including all ingredients and steps, seven types of cheeses, and six types of wines including name, type, year, alcohol content, name of producer, wine district/province, wine region, and types of grapes.  WHAT?!  During our midterm, Marco cooked us a surprise treat for when we finished.  We finished the midterm!  Yay!  Easy as cake.  The class got to enjoy two types of yummy pastas and a chocolate croissant that Marco made us all by himself when it usually takes sixteen of us to make that in the entire class time.  Haha.  It was a good reward for completing the midterm.  Shannon and I also rewarded ourselves by going shopping.  There is so much shopping in Florence.  I could shop forever!!  Shannon and I had an extremely successful day in the markets making some excellent purchase.  We were able to bargain with the workers and get some really good deals.  We not only love shopping for ourselves, but we are on the look out for stuff for our sisters and moms, too.  I love picking out stuff that I love and I know that they will love.  After all that shopping, we were inspired to go on another run!  Today, our mission was to find Cascine Park.  In Cascine Park, there is what they call the “Tuesday Morning Market” where every Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. they have a HUGE sale of all sorts of items ranging from clothes to jewelry to food to animals (hehe) for HUGE discounts.  Some clothing items for even one Euro!  We hear this is definitely the place to be on Tuesday morning, so we decided to scope it out to know where to go next week.  It was an adventure getting there, but thankfully we found a smoother pathway back home to Conti.  For din din, Shannon, Christin, Torri, and I went to a place called “The Diner” to eat some American food!!  I got a yummy burger.  It was good to have some meat!  We walked off our dinner by doing some window-shopping through the streets of Florence.  I really like how even though it is dark outside and the shops are closed, the shops keep their lights on so that you can admire all of their items in the window at night.  While we were walking back to our little home, there was a long path of people carrying candles coming out of the Duomo.  We couldn’t figure out what was going on, but we could hear these beautiful, hymnal voices bouncing off the walls of the buildings coming from far away.  It was another one of those small moments that reminded me how beautiful life is and how lucky I am to be here in Italy!  Now, I sit here in my bed about to finish my blog and I am about to begin packing for my weekend trip ahead of me.  VENICE, VERONA, AND PADOVA…here I come!

Tanto Amore,

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