Thursday, May 31, 2012

First week of "school" in Florence

Monday was our first day of school at Lorenzo de Medici!  I had a late start to my day because I weirdly couldn’t fall asleep until almost 6 a.m. here.  I guess I just had first day of school excitement!?  Class starts at a perfect time – 13:15.  Just enough time to get a good morning run in, some shopping, or sleep in!!  Also, like I mentioned earlier, majority of the shops close from 13:00 to 16:00, so I wouldn’t miss out on any prime shopping time.  Since that day I went to bed incredibly late, I chose to sleep in. :)  Shannon and I showed up for our “Wine and Food Pairing” class just in time.  Christin, Torri, Travis, and a lot of other API students are also in this class with us.  Our instructor, Marco, has the most energetic and passionate personality.  It is obvious that he absolutely loves his job.  I love him!!  During the first half of class, he introduced what we would be learning and gave us some really neat facts!!  Marco explained to the class how food and wine pairing is more of a delicate science rather than just an art.  We learned that ninety percent of the time, the color of the food matches with the color of the wine!  I can’t wait to learn so much about cooking and use my skills back in the states.  For our first pairing lesson, half of the class cooked pasta with a creamy tomato sauce, and my half of the class prepared lemon flavored, bite sized cookies filled with Nutella and topped with a raspberry.  Italians LOVE Nutella.  It is literally in every bakery or mini mart we walk into!  The best part was when we were able to eat a small portion of our dish, and then taste the wine that Marco paired with it right after!  He described the dark blush colored, sparkling dessert wine matched with our yummy cookies as a “marriage made in heaven”.  And boy was he right!!  Shannon and I agreed that it was our favorite dessert that we’ve had in Italy.  Marco has so much enthusiasm for life, food, wine, and Italy, and he makes sure we have a good time in class by making jokes, involving everyone, and playing some music while we cook.  I am excited to learn new things from him every class!

For dinner, Lorenzo de Medici prepared a large, buffet style dinner to welcome all of the new students for the Summer.  Buffets are fun because it gives me a chance to just try all sorts of different things that I probably would never order.  It’s like a mystery surprise every time I take a bite!   The dinner was in a beautiful, vintage/palace like decorated building with all sorts of extravagant chandeliers and paintings.  Many students from API were there, but also all of the other students that will be attending LdM.  It was exciting to see some new faces that will maybe be some of our new friends in Italy!  After dinner, a group of us went out to celebrate Alycia’s 21st birthday!!!  We definitely got lucky with the group of people that ended up on our program with us.  I always have a blast with everyone whenever we hang out!  Everyone knows how to have a good time.  There was even Pringles served to us at one of the bars?!  Haha.  All of us got a giggle out of that.  The night ended at a mostly American bar called the Old Stove.  We made some good memories at that place!

Tuesday morning, Shannon and I woke up early to go sign up for some events that LdM was providing for the students.  This was the one time that we were actually early to something!  YAY!  We were second in line!  We signed up for a gelato making session and a boat tour.  Successsssss.  While waiting for Marco to arrive to class, I found out another Delta Gamma is also in API and in my class!  Her name is P.J., and she’s a DG at Washington State.  HOW STINKING COOL!  Dee Gees go global.  For class, first on our agenda was an in depth, personal tour of the San Lorenzo Central Food Market (this is called one of our “Florence City Gourmet Visits”) given by Marco.  Field trip on the second day?  I think so!  Our second gourmet visit of the day was to La Gelateria Siciliana where we learned the difference between ice cream and gelato, learned how gelato was made, and sampled some Italian goodies like canolis.  After we watched how gelato was made, the workers made us a little creamy creation with crème flavored gelato made with extra virgin olive oil topped with oregano, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, bacon bits, and parsley.  Sounds disgusting right??  It was one of the most interesting and delicious tastes I’ve ever had in my mouth!  This gelato shop one awards at the recent gelato festival this past weekend for this yummy creation and it is now being highly demanded in their shop!  After coming home for an afternoon nap, Shannon and I went to a “Travel Tips” meeting with our advisor so we could start planning our weekend trips!!  We gathered all of the information we needed to finally go for it.  After a couple of hours on the computer searching for hotels and B&Bs, we booked the trip of a lifetime.  Our final decision for the weekend was to take a train to Milan (Italy’s fashion capital) on Friday morning, stay there during the day to do some shopping and sight seeing, then take another train to Como where Shannon, Torri, and I will spend the rest of the weekend on probably one of the most beautiful places in the world, Lake Como.   This is where George Clooney has a house and the recent James Bond movie was filmed.  (Google to see its beauty). I can’t believe this is real life!!!!  Earlier that morning, I was on the phone with my dad asking him places to suggest that we go in Italy and he told me about Lake Como.  I never knew that it would actually work out!  ANOTHER DREAM COMES TRUE!   I’M SO HAPPY!!!!!!  After all that planning we enjoyed a bestie dinner on our rooftop then went to sleepy early.


Wednesday, Shannon and I woke up early to venture out on a run in Piazza Independencia to start off the morning right.  Then, we ran little errands before class and were very productive!!  Wine and food pairing class today consisted of a four course meal including: caprese salad, risotta alla parmigiana, rigatoni al gorgonzola, and mini ricotta cheescakes.  The theme was CHEESES.  This seems to be a reoccurring theme all over Italy.  They love their cheese!  I am starting to love this routine.  Relaxing mornings going our own pace followed by good times making delicious dishes and sipping wine.  Today we also received our “textbook” that was written by our instructor, Marco!  It’s basically a thick bound notebook FULL of all of the recipes that we will be making.  The perfect little cookbook to bring back to the states.  At night, majority of the API gang went out to support our friend Jake, a.k.a. Turtle (like front Entourage), spin some beats as a SPECIAL GUEST DJ at a popular club in Florence.  What the heck!  So freaking cool!!!  As we were walking in, I spotted out of the corner of my eye someone working the door to the club, I maybe recognized them, but wasn’t sure.  Literally, two seconds later, I hear, “Diane?  Diane Muller?”  Omg it was Hayley Estes!!  I went Elementary and Middle School with her and haven’t seen her since!!  She has now lived in Florence for a year working for a student services company.  We were so happy to see her so that she can show us all of the cool, underground places in Florence that we should definitely see and go to!  The club was flooded with lots of silly Australians and API kids dancing all over the place having a good time!  And “DJ Turtle” made us so proud!!!  He was definitely having one of the best nights of his life.  When it was time to leave, we set off to find a secret bakery with our friends P.J. and Michelle.  Unfortunately we weren’t successful, but we were SO CLOSE!  We are determined to find one again soon.

Thursday, Shannon and I woke up slightly early to do some shopping.  This was only our second time to actually go shopping in Florence, so it was a treat.  We love to shop!  While we were shopping, a foreign woman, obviously not from the area, stopped to ask us directions to the Santa Maria Piazza.  If she were to ask us this about a week ago, there would be no way I could answer.  I was so happy she asked because I knew where it was!  I pointed her in the right direction and was so proud that I was starting to be able to navigate through Florence!  It was one of those small moments that just make you so happy. :)  I have become aware that I have been blessed with the gift of excellent sense of direction.  Pretty helpful!  In wine and food pairing class today, it was another cheese themed day.  The class prepared Pomodori ripeini di Taleggio and Florentine Style Crepes to pair with a dry white wine, Pinto Bianco.   Another group prepared Piadina con Proscuitto to pair with a dry red wine, Sangiovese di Romagna.  My little group (Travis, Cathy, and I) made the Tiramisu to pair with an amber wine.  So much food and wine everyday!  I love it! 

Then, we did a little relaxing and resting at our apartment.  After that, we shopped around again and enjoyed a glass of wine in Piazza della Signoria.  We were waiting for our API group to meet by the replica of the statue of The David for a guided tour of the Uffizi museum and Aperitivo (sort of like little appetizers).  We went to the top floor of the museum and enjoyed our aperitivo with a beautiful view of Florence in the background.  Another beautiful day in Florence!  Tomorrow, we set off on our adventure to Milan and Lake Como!!!!  Prayers that everything will go smoothly and that there will be beautiful weather!


Some things that I have learned on how to approach life as a twenty year old:

Make connections with everyone, everywhere you go.  Genuinely get to know them and find out something you like in that person that speaks to you, and speak to it.

Don’t get status through “things”, get them through experiences.  Rather than purchasing a new, expensive purse or wardrobe, save money for a trip to Italy for example!

Learn to cook when you are young.  These skills you can build on and carry with you throughout a lifetime.  It will save you money and make food of more as hobby rather than a chore.

Set goals you can achieve and DO IT!  You’ve got to start somewhere.  Once you reach a goal, you will feel like a champ and continue to set new goals.

Do the craziest things in life NOW because whether you like it or not, you will become more conservative over time.

Help others.  Many reasons why this is a must.  Helping people will create a ripple effect.  You grow by giving and helping others.  Your relationship with that person will grow stronger.  It’s the most fulfilling thing you can ever do.

Do what you love.  It’s as simple as that.  Follow your bliss and you will be a bajillion times happier than you are when you don’t!

Tanto Amore!

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